I say yoga! I say Yoga! I say Yoga Booty Ballet! It's the beginning of this wonderful year, (because it is going to be wonderful right!!!!!?) and for working out we hadn't done Yoga in a while. Well, we did it the other day. These girls that we watch are really incredible, but they have wonderful quotes and such that flash on throughout the workout. You sit down in the beginning and create an intention for the workout, (I have a hard time deciding if I am going to shower or not, but oh well!) You sit in "easy pose" and close your eyes. Then you open your hands at your chest in open receptivity. You know with as silly as it sounds I really do love its' intent. I do need to be more open and receptive to what is good. Those blessings that my Father in Heaven wants to send to me. I am divine and by darn I am going to continue to work on my "bulabunda" (it's a kaegle exercise! Love the word though!) That was supposed to be funny guys! No really, I am going to get back this year to doing the things I used to enjoy doing that have gone by the way side! I am going to be creative and do projects and finish them!!! (Yay the crowd goes wild!) Truly though, the divine in me recognizes the divine in you! Namasta!
Hello world!
1 year ago
You make me smile. Namaste ;)
You are way to cute! Can I have some of your energy? :)
Yoga and I have never been friends. I've tried. I am too weak and CAN'T do it. Plus I always want to puke after I try. But you go girl!
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