Mt. Charleston in the winter! Fun, fun, fun! We found some cheap sleds at Big 5 and headed up on Friday. I thought it would just be covered up there. But there wasn't as much as last year! But we had fun any way. some of our children wouldn't play, so by darn they are not pictured!! I am not pictured either, because remember, I don't like pictures!! Brenna was the dare devil. That girl I swear! She was going off jumps, my whole body hurt watching her. But I do have to say I went off a jump too, just not as fast! Jessica had her friend with her. Tyler and Connor both lost shoes, it was hilarious! I hope these memories last a long, long time!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Look at you, you fun blogger, you! Great stories, great pictures! How fun. I love it. :) The snow day looks so fun, I think we are going soon too.
I love Mt. Charleston!
Looks like you guys had a blast! Thanks for sharing about the sleds at big 5, Greg and I were wondering where to get some cheap. And HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to you (I know I'm late):)
Activities like that are definately fun memories. It looks like you all did have a great time. Keep up the blogging. :)
How fun! Last time I went tubing I came home with bruises in places I didn't know existed. You're brave! What a fun Mom you are! :)
These pictures are great. We had so much fun a few weeks ago with everyone. Happy Birthday again!
K, I'm stalking you. First I follow you around in primary, then I go to choir just to see you, now I'm leaving weirdo comments on your blog page. And maybe, just maybe I had to pay someone to get you to be my visiting teacher too.
I'm kidding.
So, long time no see. Well, except yesterday when I bugged you about your silly sock after choir. :) Thanks for clearing that up for me. :D
We should start wearing matching outfits to church and really throw Bryce off.
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