Thursday, May 14, 2009

A quote, Oh my!!!!

I found a quote that I im-
mediately loved. Michelle Harris is my insp-
iration, she has wonderful quotes. Here goes:


the Dover Family said...

I love you, love you, love you!!!!You are one of the neatest people I know. :D

Michelle said...

I have to thank you for this post!

Lately I've been struggling to do my morning workouts. I hate working out. This morning I almost let myself fall face first on the treadmill with no regard to the face burn I would get, bouncing along the moving belt. I was only halfway into the walk and I wanted to die. My foot hurt, I couldn't breathe, I wanted to cry and then all of a sudden, "DON'T HURRY,DON'T WORRY,DON'T QUIT!!!" came to my mind.

Wow! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I said a quick prayer and suddenly my foot pain stopped, I caught my breath and I resolved to keep moving. Hey, I'd made it halfway after all!!

There's no way I could have done that without your positive perspective and example. So, thank you Keri! Love ya!

by Deterlou said...

Great quote... on I can actually remember! LOL and like the piture too. Love the great attitude, you are an inspiration :)

Brad and Leslie said...

I wish I had this motivation at this very moment... :)