Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So thankful for friends.....

I just wanted to blog about some wonderful things, well not things, but people. My friends. I have much to be grateful for, and I so appreciated everyones pick me ups! No judgements, just sweetness. Thank you. You listen on in writing, on the phone, and in person. Thank you. Plus I needed to have a different topic pop up, out with the old in with the new! As I have said to many of you, thank goodness for new days. I love you all, and appreciate your loving service!

1 comment:

by Deterlou said...

Keri, truth is we all have sucky days and it's what gives us the ability to have empathy. You are doing great and just having your share of challenges. I am here, and an ear, even if I'm way off in Colorado. We have much in common. It's far form peachy peachy here... have a 15 year step daughter that hates me, and we don't have her here everother week anymore. Hope she gets over it, but I have realized, being happy is up to her. I am ready to have her in my life, if and when she wants to, mean while, I choose joy!