I am writing a tribute to my Grandmother, Dora Mazuren. She passed away yesterday morning. I know that none of you knew her, but I am part of her and felt this was fitting. She was 99 years young. The last time I saw her was in July on our way back from Yellowstone. We had Dani and Jessica with us and they just loved on her.
She has been the only Grandma I have had. She lived a long wonderful life. She was an amazing singer, and yodeler. She was just amazing. I wish you could all have heard her. I have wonderful memories as child of all of the things she made. Every time they came for a visit she would put neat things she had made for us on our beds, and we would get home from school and have special things waiting for us. She was very clever and artsy, she could sew, crochet......
My mother has taken care of my Grandma for many years, and the last couple of years it has been very taxing. Her little body was just tired, but her mind was still with it. The last couple of weeks she really deteriorated and it was so hard for my mom to watch her suffer. As I watched all my mom did for her mom, I thought that is such a wonderful tribute to her. She raised her daughter well and good, with much love that was returned. I told my mom I hoped I could be as fine a daughter as she has been and I hope that my daughters will be as well. I am glad my Grandma is not suffereing any longer, and listen to this.
My cousin told me yesterday was national sisters day, and her Grammy was my Grandmas sister. She thought it was so wonderful that they were together on national sisters day. Isn't that just so cute. I am excited to see all of my family. We are leaving Saturday for the funeral on Monday. Then I will stay for about a week with my mom afterwards. I am sad, but I am finding it hard to be really sad, do you understand? I hope so. Love your moms and Grandmas, they are indeed special!