Thursday, April 30, 2009

Playing Catch-up!

Once again, I'm not on the ball, I'm underneath it! Haven't even been on here, shame shame!!! First off I thought I would tell you all I had my free session with Emily that I won. It was awesome. I don't usually win contests, so it started off very exciting. Emily is wonderful. I was very comfortable on my bed, sprawled, (is that a word? Or maybe it is not spelled right!) Basically it is a lot of positive reinforcement on energies that are fuzzy or have negativity with them, Emily set me straight if I am wrong. She helped reinforce positive thoughts and feelings. I think I could definately go for a few more sessions, I am a tad, ok not a tad, crazy and kind of wacky, but she was wonderful. There were several times things hit very close to home and evoked some powerful feelings, (can I break into song?) I would say go for it, go have a session with Emily. I need to do it again!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You're awesome and I love you!